Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MOST POPULAR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS’s another year that will pass and another year to welcome!  

Time goes so fast that sometimes I feel like drowning in things that I have yet to do.  

2010 is an important year for me.  I’ve got a lovelife that I truly love,  and my personal dreams of blogging has come true 3x more! 

Life truly is wonderful for those like me who were able to accomplish what we set out to do in 2010 at the end of 2009.  And for those who err...still have a list to do with only a couple of days only to go before the year ends, well, 2011 is another year!  Take it easy on yourself, you can’t turn the hands of time backwards.  Stop regretting and start planning.  Spend less time thinking and more time acting this time around.  

Learn from your lessons and start acting on your resolutions immediately after December 31, 2010.  

To start you us off, here are some of the common New Year’s Resolutions set by people all over the world!

SPEND MORE TIME WITH your LOVER, FAMILY AND FRIENDS     Enough about you.  It’s your turn to balance your time to yourself and loved ones.  Afterall, what is a great day when you don’t have anyone to share or tell about it. 

HEALTHY EATING     Ah, yes!  Don’t you just love those sweets, salty and fried food?  And what about those white rice, sauces and ribs?  Ah, ah, ah!  Time is precious to be accumulating all kinds of health problems.  Eat in moderation, you don’t have to deprive yourself of everything!

EXERCISE     Well, mostly for physical benefits, hehehe, exercise can actually allow you to live a healthy long life if you don’t know it by now!  An excuse to say that you don’t have time or gym membership is too expensive are simply lame.  You can stay fit at home with a couple of exercise stuff like a matt, an exercise ball, a barbell or dumbbell perhaps or a long plight of stairs!  Be committed to having any form of exercise. 

QUIT SMOKING     Besides the bad breath, the dark lips and gums, hands and clothes that smell like cigarette butts, I wonder what attracts anyone to someone who smokes?  Perhaps the insurance benefit when the smoker dies of cancer! 

ENJOY LIFE MORE    All work and no play will make you dead!  Alive on the outside but hollow on the inside.  Though work is  kind of difficult nowadays to find,  still it can be replaced.  You only have one life to live and so do the people around you, so make the most of it.  

QUIT DRINKING     If you need and have to drink, do it in moderation.  Don’t make it a habit like drinking water! 

GET OUT OF DEBT and START SAVING    Very good! You have finally realized that you will feel liberated when debt free.  Don’t look back anymore and blame yourself for the debt you accumulated.  Learn from your mistake and do good.  It’s time to start fresh and move on to a better life.  So spend only what you can afford and make your finances right this year.  Spend on what is necessary and treat yourself from time to time.  And if you have excess, don’t hesitate to splurge!  Afterall, what makes you feel good will do you good...well, generally speaking!

LEARN SOMETHING NEW     Life is more exciting when there are new discoveries and learning that you gain which you can use to have a happier and better life.  And don’t forget to share knowledge and skills.  Pass it on now, and you’ll help make this world better for all of us!

HELP OTHERS     This is something done voluntarily without expecting anything in return except perhaps feel good about the good deed.  But, be careful with the people you help.  Don’t be an abler to foolish, lazy and crazy people.  Helping them might actually be doing more bad than good.

GET ORGANIZED     This is not just about your messy room!  Make the right decisions and choices this year to get your life complicated free.  Be organized so you can accomplish your goals and be finally happy with yourself and your life. Simplify your life by learning to set your priorities straight.

FIND LOVE AND FALL IN LOVE (MUTUAL LOVE ONLY PLEASE!)     Life is fun, exciting, memorable, enjoyable and more meaningful if you find love and fall in love.  But, it can even be more than that if you have found mutual love!  Give up the imaginary boyfriend or the hope that the person you are in love with will fall in love with you!  One year is a long enough time for your to realize that he’s not likely to change feelings and suddenly fall in love with you!  Keep him as a friend though, who knows....

FIND A BETTER JOB     Better sometimes doesn’t mean that you are better off.  Find a job that you are really passionate about.  And if eventually  things doesn’t work out for you, at least you’ve tried and experienced your passion.  Learn from all your jobs everything and anything that you can learn so that when that dream job comes along, you are prepared for anything!

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