Thursday, December 23, 2010


Contrary to what most people say that success is mostly pre-determined and beyond anyone’s control because successful people are usually those who are well educated, and those who are socially, financially and well connected,  I believe that there are still more factors to success that are within a person’s control.  Success for me is our own doing.  Some might have better influences and opportunities to success if they come from better families and support systems, but for me, these will simply give them a head start in carving out a successful life or career.  

There are no guarantees of success.  Just plain effort and commitment.  I hope after reading this article you may better understand how you, and we, can be successful at anything we want to accomplish. 

Comfort zones are dead ends.  If you wish to live your life exactly how you started it, without growth, new learning, no improvement, no maturity and no change, then by all means live in your cave. 
If you are not willing to learn something or anything new, you will be stuck where you are now until you grow old and unable to learn anymore.  Learning has always been the major factor for anyone’s success.  This comes in different ways and means.  Some learn in school, others by personal experiences and some from exposure and taking risks.  Experience is never enough.  You have to learn from your experiences.  

I consider myself really, as an idiot when it comes to techie stuff like operating gadgets, surfing the net for stuff, making a website and opening/managing social network accounts and blogs.  Yes, I have some of the latest gadgets like an i-phone4, a playstation3, a macbook and more.  Yet I can never bring myself to learn and maximize the features of my gadgets, they’re just too complicated for me.  And yet, I alone set up my blog sites.   

Sometimes you don’t have to learn and master every skill or knowledge that are out there.  You may simply identify which ones you need to help you achieve your goals.  And, oh, be easy on yourself and have patience when you start to learn or teach yourself anything new.  You’ll eventually learn what you need to learn if you are focused towards what you want to achieve.  Avoid your comfort zones and be willing to explore anything new.

Making the most of what you have where you are and how you are will start you off right.  Most people who fail wait for better situations in their lives.  They commonly say:  I’ll start saving when I get a better paying job.  I’ll learn photoshop when I have my weekends free.  Excuses are self-imposed limitations that give you an escape goat for not starting things.  

If you want to be successful in the future, you have to start now. Don’t be lazy or afraid to try out what you know or what you have learned and don’t be scared to make mistakes in the process of pursuing your goals.  When you make mistakes, just start over.  Remember, your competition towards your goal is only yourself.  The energy, persistence and resourcefulness of a person are good attributes that will lead you to success.  Many times you will experience failure and disappointment or even come close several times to giving up before instant success comes.  So don’t give up do things even if you don’t feel like it!

A positive person chooses to open doors of opportunities everyday.  They are open to new ideas and ideas that they don’t agree with.  Mostly, when positive people encounter problems, they try to see the opportunities that can be seen in dire situations.  The quality and types of people you keep in company with greatly influence your attitude and perception toward things.  Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you.  

Positive people are also good companions.  Their positivity and hope will easily rub on you.  If you want to learn a specific skill like graphic arts, fashion design, sports, culinary etc., find a coach who can lead you towards the right direction.

If you are shipwrecked in the middle of an ocean, the natural instinct is to find land and swim towards it.  Goals will give you direction and focus your mind, energy, time and resources.  Don’t allow goal takers to discourage you with their own perceptions.  Your goal is your goal.  Nobody owns it but yourself.   

Why engage in other people’s dreams and ambitions when yours are diffetent?  You have different perceptions, needs, expectations, experiences, capabilities, experiences, financial resources and personal needs, so why live your life through the eyes of others?  It is so easy to have a goal, but sticking to it is another thing!

Working too hard and making your work your life creates imbalance.  Set your eyes on your goal and bring them to your life as you go.  People who have balanced lives have better appreciation of the fruits of their goals.  Afterall, life is here for us to enjoy and live to the fullest.  

Don’t go through life working and striving to do everything as if you are always in a stiff deadline.  Sometimes you have to stop, gather strength and focus, cultivate your relationships, smell the flowers and then go right at it again.  Just don’t enjoy your rest to much that you lose sight of your goal.  Always have in mind that at the end of your goal, life is empty without people in your life.

No one is an island.  You’ve heard that before and it’s true.  Achieving your goal will require interaction from other people.  A business man needs suppliers and buyers, a chef needs customers to order his recipes and waiters to serve them, even a writer needs inspiration from life and his surroundings as much as people to read his work.  We all are dependent on each other.  Somehow we must be able to find the means to live together in harmony.

Successful people are also human beings.  They get tired, they get annoyed, they fail.  But, somehow they always manage to get back on track because they solve problems rather than dwell in complaining and pointing fingers at anybody they can blame.  Take ownership of your problems and failures.  That’s the easiest and most effective way of solving them.

1. Optimistic.
2. Passionate.
3. Persistent
4. Flexible.
5. Educated.
6. Focused.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MOST POPULAR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS’s another year that will pass and another year to welcome!  

Time goes so fast that sometimes I feel like drowning in things that I have yet to do.  

2010 is an important year for me.  I’ve got a lovelife that I truly love,  and my personal dreams of blogging has come true 3x more! 

Life truly is wonderful for those like me who were able to accomplish what we set out to do in 2010 at the end of 2009.  And for those who err...still have a list to do with only a couple of days only to go before the year ends, well, 2011 is another year!  Take it easy on yourself, you can’t turn the hands of time backwards.  Stop regretting and start planning.  Spend less time thinking and more time acting this time around.  

Learn from your lessons and start acting on your resolutions immediately after December 31, 2010.  

To start you us off, here are some of the common New Year’s Resolutions set by people all over the world!

SPEND MORE TIME WITH your LOVER, FAMILY AND FRIENDS     Enough about you.  It’s your turn to balance your time to yourself and loved ones.  Afterall, what is a great day when you don’t have anyone to share or tell about it. 

HEALTHY EATING     Ah, yes!  Don’t you just love those sweets, salty and fried food?  And what about those white rice, sauces and ribs?  Ah, ah, ah!  Time is precious to be accumulating all kinds of health problems.  Eat in moderation, you don’t have to deprive yourself of everything!

EXERCISE     Well, mostly for physical benefits, hehehe, exercise can actually allow you to live a healthy long life if you don’t know it by now!  An excuse to say that you don’t have time or gym membership is too expensive are simply lame.  You can stay fit at home with a couple of exercise stuff like a matt, an exercise ball, a barbell or dumbbell perhaps or a long plight of stairs!  Be committed to having any form of exercise. 

QUIT SMOKING     Besides the bad breath, the dark lips and gums, hands and clothes that smell like cigarette butts, I wonder what attracts anyone to someone who smokes?  Perhaps the insurance benefit when the smoker dies of cancer! 

ENJOY LIFE MORE    All work and no play will make you dead!  Alive on the outside but hollow on the inside.  Though work is  kind of difficult nowadays to find,  still it can be replaced.  You only have one life to live and so do the people around you, so make the most of it.  

QUIT DRINKING     If you need and have to drink, do it in moderation.  Don’t make it a habit like drinking water! 

GET OUT OF DEBT and START SAVING    Very good! You have finally realized that you will feel liberated when debt free.  Don’t look back anymore and blame yourself for the debt you accumulated.  Learn from your mistake and do good.  It’s time to start fresh and move on to a better life.  So spend only what you can afford and make your finances right this year.  Spend on what is necessary and treat yourself from time to time.  And if you have excess, don’t hesitate to splurge!  Afterall, what makes you feel good will do you good...well, generally speaking!

LEARN SOMETHING NEW     Life is more exciting when there are new discoveries and learning that you gain which you can use to have a happier and better life.  And don’t forget to share knowledge and skills.  Pass it on now, and you’ll help make this world better for all of us!

HELP OTHERS     This is something done voluntarily without expecting anything in return except perhaps feel good about the good deed.  But, be careful with the people you help.  Don’t be an abler to foolish, lazy and crazy people.  Helping them might actually be doing more bad than good.

GET ORGANIZED     This is not just about your messy room!  Make the right decisions and choices this year to get your life complicated free.  Be organized so you can accomplish your goals and be finally happy with yourself and your life. Simplify your life by learning to set your priorities straight.

FIND LOVE AND FALL IN LOVE (MUTUAL LOVE ONLY PLEASE!)     Life is fun, exciting, memorable, enjoyable and more meaningful if you find love and fall in love.  But, it can even be more than that if you have found mutual love!  Give up the imaginary boyfriend or the hope that the person you are in love with will fall in love with you!  One year is a long enough time for your to realize that he’s not likely to change feelings and suddenly fall in love with you!  Keep him as a friend though, who knows....

FIND A BETTER JOB     Better sometimes doesn’t mean that you are better off.  Find a job that you are really passionate about.  And if eventually  things doesn’t work out for you, at least you’ve tried and experienced your passion.  Learn from all your jobs everything and anything that you can learn so that when that dream job comes along, you are prepared for anything!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


No need to cry,
No need to pout
Coz I’m telling you why… 
Buying gifts this  Christmas for your loved ones
Can be done with just one try!
Merry Christmas everyone, I hope this blog helps you with your gift shopping!


For any man or boy.  Student, professional or bum.  Help your man get organized, and finally get rid of that swollen eyesore that leaves an irritating bulge in your back pocket.

For guys who enjoy watching movies.  DVD collection of Police movies, crime investigation, action, sci-fi, fantasy, horror and suspense, comic book adaptation, sports and cartoons are best themes to start with.  No romantic movies yet, maybe a few comedies but never musicals!

I Don’t know about what is it in men that they have the tendency to splash themselves with extra amount of fragrance.  A nice fragrance is ideal in any type of relationship. Cologne is just as appreciated on the first Christmas together as it is on the fiftieth. The gift of a great scent is a good sign that you want to turn your man into an irresistible hunk and rip off his clothes because you can't resist inhaling his sexual scent. That, or he just smells bad.  Avoid fruity and citrus scents if it’s your first time to give your man a fragrance.  Go for the woody and watery scents and you will never fail your man!

For your guy who is clueless about style and clothes, or for your guy who knows fashion like you do and for your guy who doesn’t care at all about clothes!  Match his likes to what’s in and now.  And you’ll see a pleasant surprise.

All men love their gadgets.  If it’s bag or shoes for ladies, it’s the techie stuff for men.  Seems a little expensive though.  From Phones to music players, speakers to DVD players, computer games to home improvement tools and gadgets and even personal grooming tools, your man will surely love these gifts.  But don’t blame anyone when your man pays less attention to you and more on his game console. 

A perfect companion for your man when you are not around.  Pets will also teach your man about responsibility, discipline and schedule.  So if your thinking of a gift for your dad, brother, best friend or boyfriend, the pet is one of the great holiday gift ideas that will never fail you. 


Girls just love to be pampered and will appreciate the chance to relax after the holidays. Give her a gift certificate to get a manicure, pedicure, facial, or massage.  Afterall, it’s you who stand to benefit in the end.

Definitely this gift is for the keeps.  But I just don’t know how a guy can pull off selecting that perfect handbag for his girl.  A gift check I suppose will do the trick.  Just let her shop for that perfect handbag that she wants and I guarantee you she’ll be sweeter the next time around.  Or better yet, bring her to her favorite store and just ask her to pick her favorite handbag and buy it for her.  Set limits though for the cost, cause women’s bags can be very pricy. 

Women have a love affair with shoes.  Don’t get between her and her shoes or she will choose those heels over you!  Same as with the handbag, a gift check or act as a shopping daddy companion will do!

Make-up, mascara, eyeliners, powder, blush ons, lipstick, nail polish and everything you can and may put on your face!  You can never go wrong with beauty gifts!  Women will never have enough of these so pamper her with everything she wants to put on her body!

Girls just love staying in their bedrooms.  They spend more time on their beds rather than in the living room or tv chair.  Give the woman in your life the gift of a comfortable, cozy bed. It’s not only essential and functiona,l but also a sure way to get laid!

For girls more is more when it comes to buying accessories. They hoard on accessories like how our Moms hoard on canned goods!  Bangles, rings, earrings, hankies, notebooks, ballpens, planners, anything cute for her room like a lampshade, a rug, a picture frame, everything and anything a girl can put on or carry whether these things have actual function or not, just get them, any girl will crazy love them!

This is just the thing for the woman who likes to spend time in the kitchen. Hopefully, you'll benefit from this present too when she whips up homemade chocolate chip cookies or your favorite desserts when you visit.

Just think of one theme…LOVE and that’s it! 


Name all the hip and in gadgets and he collects them.  The Digital gay maxes out his credit cards just to buy the new in thing in gadgets.  He carries more than one mobile phone and changes models and casing 3 to more times in a year!  Get him his game console, music player, mobile phones and all other techie fashionable gadgets and you’re sure to get his attention…until he the latest models of his gadgets come out.

He’s like a girl when it comes to his obsession with clothes, accessories, jewelries, shoes and anything you can bring or wear when you go to a club or a house party.

So you think your gay brother, friend or lover is the timid conservative type?  Think again, look inside his underwear drawer and you’ll find all the sexy undergarments that you wouldn’t imagine a guy would wear!

He has more beauty products than your Mom’s and sisters’ combined.  Facial toner, anti-aging creams, whitening products, powder, foundation, eye liners, lip balm and lipstick, concealer, facial lotion, body lotion, foot lotion…you could go on and on and on….

He loves to go to the gym. Sometimes everyday, other times even twice a day! Work-out outfits etc., bags, towels, shoes and more are perfect gift ideas for Mr. Ken.  Throw in some hot oil and body oil for his frequent trips to the gym spa so you won’t be surprised to find him all dried up like a prune one

Does he still exists?  Well, if you know one, give him romantic DVD movies, series, books, and a notebook/laptop so he can blog his feelings on line!

Monday, November 29, 2010


I often tell myself that if there is just one way to drink my way to looking good and staying healthy I'll do it in a heartbeat!  Oh, why is it so hard to stay physically fit and healthy?  

If you've experienced going to the gym you would agree when I say that for the normal people like "us"  who are not gym junkies and actually have a life outside work or the gym, it gets boring sometimes.  Even new gym outfits or gorgeous bodies and beautiful people can't at some point make you excited enough to work-out.

So, if you're one of the "us" who gets bored working out or going to the gym, here are a few interesting and beneficial information that will help you cut back on your work-out time and still get effective results.  I'm so trying all of these starting tomorrow, well, except for no. 19!
Myth 1: Stretching before working out is crucial to preventing injury

Fact: Stretching after a workout can be beneficial, but stretching before a workout actually doesn't increase your range of motion. In fact, some studies suggest that stretching destabilize muscles, making them less prepared for strenuous exercise, especially if you're doing something like weight-lifting. Instead, do a warm-up, which gets your blood pumping.

Myth 2: Lifting weights will make you look bulky

Fact: If you've been avoiding the free weights for fear of becoming the Incredible Hulk, no need to flee anymore. When it comes to increasing muscle size, testosterone is key. Men have 20 to 30 times the more testosterone than women, which is why they can bulk up so noticeably. But for you to reach Arnold Schwarzenegger proportions would require you to do far more weight-lifting than the average woman, plus have some sort of hormone imbalance (either genetic or synthetically induced, as with steroids).
In fact, "strength training will help you lose weight faster and keep it off in the long run," notes Jeffrey Janot, PhD, an assistant professor of exercise physiology at South Dakota State University in Brookings. If you also do cardio, it'll help you retain muscle as you drop fat, as well as prevent your metabolism from slowing. So don't focus all your efforts on the elliptical machine -- some bicep curls could actually help you reach your ultimate goal.

Myth 3: If I use weights, I will get big and bulky

Fact: If only it was that easy to create muscle. The short term accumulation of body fluids within the tissues of the muscle can make you feel as though you have gained muscle but, infant, you haven't.
To build muscle mass, you need to be constantly overloading the muscle.

Myth 4: Running is counterproductive to strength training

Fact: Sounds like you need to find a new trainer! "Running is definitely not counterproductive to building muscle, unless you're looking to dramatically increase muscle mass," says Gregory Florez, CEO of "In fact, as a weight-bearing exercise, running helps develop more lean muscle mass in the lower body -- which also keeps your bones healthy."
That doesn't mean it's a substitute for strength training, though. "Include lower-body strength moves like squats and lunges and upper-body moves like push ups and pull-ups to reduce injury risk, increase stamina, and boost metabolism," adds Florez.

Myth 5: Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on asphalt or pavement.

Fact: "Running is a great workout, but it can impact the knees -- and since it's the force of your body weight on your joints that causes the stress, it's the same whether you're on a treadmill or on asphalt," says Todd Schlifstein, DO, a clinical instructor at New York University Medical Center's Rusk Institute.
The best way to reduce knee impact, says Schlifstein, is to vary your workout.
"If you mix running with other cardio activities, like an elliptical machine, or you ride a stationary bike, you will reduce impact on your knees so you'll be able to run for many more years," says Schlifstein.

Myth 6: Holding weights while doing cardio increases calorie burn

Fact: Yes, but not enough to make it worthwhile. The added intensity of holding weights while doing cardio does bump your calorie burn slightly, but it can also lead to elbow and shoulder injuries. "The risks outweigh the benefits," says Douglas Brooks, an exercise physiologist in Mammoth Lakes, California. "You'll expend more energy if you increase the weight you carry, but excessive or uncontrolled movements can damage the joints or cause muscle injury."
A better option for blasting extra calories: Increase your speed or resistance level on either the treadmill or the elliptical machine.

Myth 7: Doing crunches and ab workouts will get rid of belly fat

Fact: You can do crunches till you pass out, and you still might not get a six-pack. Why? If you have a high percentage of body fat, your abs will be covered with -- you guessed it -- fat.
Don't believe everything you hear on those late-night infomercials! Harr says that while an ab-crunching device might "help strengthen the muscles around your midsection and improve your posture," being able to "see" your abdominal muscles has to do with your overall percentage of body fat. If you don't lose the belly fat, he says, you won't see the ab muscles.
But can doing ab crunches help you to lose that belly fat? Experts say no.
"You can’t pick and choose areas where you’d like to burn fat," says Phil Tyne, director of the fitness center at the Baylor Tom Landry Health & Wellness Center in Dallas. So crunches aren't going to target weight loss in that area.
"In order to burn fat, you should create a workout that includes both cardiovascular and strength-training elements. This will decrease your overall body fat content," including the area around your midsection.

And no, doing ab exercises won't necessarily make you lose that belly fat, either. The truth is, you can't spot-train (otherwise, wouldn't we all be running around with flat stomachs and slim thighs?). In order to get visibly toned abs, you have to first reduce your overall body fat, which means plenty of cardio, coupled with strength training for faster results. After that, the fruits of your labor should start becoming apparent.

Myth 8: An aerobic workout will boost your metabolism for hours after you stop working out.

Fact: This statement is actually true -- but the calorie burn is probably not nearly as much as you think!
Harr says that while your metabolism will continue to burn at a slightly higher rate after you finish an aerobic workout, the amount is not statistically significant. In fact, it allows you to burn only about 20 extra calories for the day. While there's a little bit more of a metabolic boost after strength training, he says, it's still marginal.
"It doesn't really count towards your caloric burn," he says.

Myth 9: Swimming is a great weight loss activity.

Fact: While swimming is great for increasing lung capacity, toning muscles, and even helping to burn off excess tension, Harr says the surprising truth is that unless you are swimming for hours a day, it may not help you lose much weight.
"Because the buoyancy of the water is supporting your body, you're not working as hard as it would if, say, you were moving on your own steam -- like you do when you run," says Harr.
Further, he says, it's not uncommon to feel ravenous when you come out of the water.
"It may actually cause you to eat more than you normally would, so it can make it harder to stay with an eating plan," he says.

Myth 10: If you're not working up a sweat, you're not working hard enough.

Fact: "Sweating is not necessarily an indicator of exertion," says Tyne. "Sweating is your body’s way of cooling itself."
It's possible to burn a significant number of calories without breaking a sweat: Try taking a walk or doing some light weight training.

Myth 11: As long as you feel OK when you're working out, you're probably not overdoing it.

Fact: One of the biggest mistakes people tend to make when starting or returning to an exercise program is doing too much too soon. The reason we do that, says Schlifstein, is because we feel OK while we are working out.
"You don't really feel the overdoing it part until a day or two later," he says.
No matter how good you feel when you return to an activity after an absence, Schlifstein says you should never try to duplicate how much or how hard you worked in the past. Even if you don't feel it at the moment, you'll feel it in time, he says -- and it could take you back out of the game again.

Myth 12: Machines are a safer way to exercise because you’re doing it right every time.

Fact: Although it may seem as if an exercise machine automatically puts your body in the right position and helps you do all the movements correctly, that's only true if the machine is properly adjusted for your weight and height, experts say.
"Unless you have a coach or a trainer or someone figure out what is the right setting for you, you can make just as many mistakes in form and function, and have just as high a risk of injury, on a machine as if you work out with free weights or do any other type of nonmachine workout," says Schlifstein.

Myth 13: When it comes to working out, you've got to feel some pain if you're going to gain any benefits.

Fact: Of all the fitness rumors ever to have surfaced, experts agree that the "no pain-no gain" holds the most potential for harm.
While you should expect to have some degree of soreness a day or two afterworking out, Schlifstein says, that's very different from feeling pain while you are working out.
"A fitness activity should not hurt while you are doing it, and if it does, then either you are doing it wrong, or you already have an injury," he says.
As for "working through the pain," experts don't advise it. They say that if it hurts, stop, rest, and see if the pain goes away. If it doesn't go away, or if it begins again or increases after you start to work out, Schlifstein says, see a doctor.

Myth 14: Muscle turns into fat when you stop exercising

Fact: Muscle and fat are completely different body tissue, it is impossible for one to become the other. It is definitely true to say that if you stop exercising you will gain fat, but this is because your muscle decreases in size if they are not challenged. With less muscle, your body is less efficient at burning energy, so you are more likely to gain fat.

Myth 15: Yoga can help with all sorts of back pain.

Fact: The truth is that yoga can help with back pain, but it's not equally good for all types.
"If your back pain is muscle-related, then yes, the yoga stretches and some of the positions can help. It can also help build a stronger core, which for many people is the answer to lower back pain," says Schlifstein.
But if your back problems are related other problems (such as a ruptured disc) yoga is not likely to help, he says. What's more, it could actually irritate the injury and cause you more pain.
If you do have back pain, get your doctor's OK before starting any type of exercise program.

Myth 16: Doing Yoga and Pilates is enough to keep me fit

Fact: Pilates and Yoga are fantastic forms of exercise. They encourage flexibility and good posture. However, you should never just do one thing.
Fitness is about challenging every part of your body in many ways and there is no single form of exercise that can do it all on its own. To see results, you need to raise your heart rate to an appropriate level 3 -4 times per week and vary your routine.

Myth 17: Vegetarian diets are healthier than meat-inclusive ones

Fact: Sure, eating lots of veggies is healthy. But in general, cutting out an entire food group -- even if it is one that can be high in saturated fat -- is bad idea. Meat is a key source of iron, which keeps your energy levels up, allows you to think clearly, and produces enzymes that fight infection. Moreover, researchers at Pennsylvania State University have shown that iron deficiency increases a woman's risk for postpartum depression.
Vegetarians often try to get their iron fix through lentils, beans, fortified cereals and tofu. However, you're still missing protein. Make sure to eat eggs, dairy products, or soy at every meal to get your animal-friendly dose.

Myth 18: A hot bath will prevent muscle soreness

Fact: Cold water is a better bet, says Marty Jaramillo, CEO of the I.C.E. Sports Health Group. "Immersing yourself in chilled water is like an ice pack for your entire body," he says.
When you exercise, your blood vessels open wider and stay that way for at least an hour afterward. Soreness occurs when waste products like lactic acid settle in your muscles through these dilated vessels. Colder temps constrict vessels, limiting the amount of waste product that accumulates, explains Jaramillo.

Myth 19: Sports bras are just to prevent painful bounce

Fact: Wrong -- sports bras are to prevent painful bounce and permanent breast sag. That's right -- it's not just old age and gravity that'll weigh your chest down. High-impact activities, like jogging or aerobics, can stress your Cooper's ligaments (the connective tissue that keeps breasts firm), causing your breasts to sag more quickly.
According to the American Council on Exercise, compression bras work best for smaller-busted women; the more well-endowed (typically a C cup or larger) should opt for an "encapsulation" bra that supports each breast separately. Replace workout bras every six months to a year.

Myth 20: Fresh fruit is better than frozen fruit

Fact: Actually, no. "With shipping and storage, fresh fruit can often sit around for as long as two weeks before it hits your supermarket," says Suzanne Henson, RD, director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's EatRight Weight Management Program. "During that time, it can lose a lot of its nutrients, especially vitamin C."
In contrast, frozen fruit is often picked and frozen at the peak of freshness. It's also a better choice for concocting smoothies. But watch out for frozen fruits in syrup -- it packs extra calories.