Contrary to what most people say that success is mostly pre-determined and beyond anyone’s control because successful people are usually those who are well educated, and those who are socially, financially and well connected, I believe that there are still more factors to success that are within a person’s control. Success for me is our own doing. Some might have better influences and opportunities to success if they come from better families and support systems, but for me, these will simply give them a head start in carving out a successful life or career.
There are no guarantees of success. Just plain effort and commitment. I hope after reading this article you may better understand how you, and we, can be successful at anything we want to accomplish.
Comfort zones are dead ends. If you wish to live your life exactly how you started it, without growth, new learning, no improvement, no maturity and no change, then by all means live in your cave.
If you are not willing to learn something or anything new, you will be stuck where you are now until you grow old and unable to learn anymore. Learning has always been the major factor for anyone’s success. This comes in different ways and means. Some learn in school, others by personal experiences and some from exposure and taking risks. Experience is never enough. You have to learn from your experiences.
I consider myself really, as an idiot when it comes to techie stuff like operating gadgets, surfing the net for stuff, making a website and opening/managing social network accounts and blogs. Yes, I have some of the latest gadgets like an i-phone4, a playstation3, a macbook and more. Yet I can never bring myself to learn and maximize the features of my gadgets, they’re just too complicated for me. And yet, I alone set up my blog sites.
Sometimes you don’t have to learn and master every skill or knowledge that are out there. You may simply identify which ones you need to help you achieve your goals. And, oh, be easy on yourself and have patience when you start to learn or teach yourself anything new. You’ll eventually learn what you need to learn if you are focused towards what you want to achieve. Avoid your comfort zones and be willing to explore anything new.
Making the most of what you have where you are and how you are will start you off right. Most people who fail wait for better situations in their lives. They commonly say: I’ll start saving when I get a better paying job. I’ll learn photoshop when I have my weekends free. Excuses are self-imposed limitations that give you an escape goat for not starting things.
If you want to be successful in the future, you have to start now. Don’t be lazy or afraid to try out what you know or what you have learned and don’t be scared to make mistakes in the process of pursuing your goals. When you make mistakes, just start over. Remember, your competition towards your goal is only yourself. The energy, persistence and resourcefulness of a person are good attributes that will lead you to success. Many times you will experience failure and disappointment or even come close several times to giving up before instant success comes. So don’t give up do things even if you don’t feel like it!
A positive person chooses to open doors of opportunities everyday. They are open to new ideas and ideas that they don’t agree with. Mostly, when positive people encounter problems, they try to see the opportunities that can be seen in dire situations. The quality and types of people you keep in company with greatly influence your attitude and perception toward things. Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you.
Positive people are also good companions. Their positivity and hope will easily rub on you. If you want to learn a specific skill like graphic arts, fashion design, sports, culinary etc., find a coach who can lead you towards the right direction.
If you are shipwrecked in the middle of an ocean, the natural instinct is to find land and swim towards it. Goals will give you direction and focus your mind, energy, time and resources. Don’t allow goal takers to discourage you with their own perceptions. Your goal is your goal. Nobody owns it but yourself.
Why engage in other people’s dreams and ambitions when yours are diffetent? You have different perceptions, needs, expectations, experiences, capabilities, experiences, financial resources and personal needs, so why live your life through the eyes of others? It is so easy to have a goal, but sticking to it is another thing!
Working too hard and making your work your life creates imbalance. Set your eyes on your goal and bring them to your life as you go. People who have balanced lives have better appreciation of the fruits of their goals. Afterall, life is here for us to enjoy and live to the fullest.
Don’t go through life working and striving to do everything as if you are always in a stiff deadline. Sometimes you have to stop, gather strength and focus, cultivate your relationships, smell the flowers and then go right at it again. Just don’t enjoy your rest to much that you lose sight of your goal. Always have in mind that at the end of your goal, life is empty without people in your life.
No one is an island. You’ve heard that before and it’s true. Achieving your goal will require interaction from other people. A business man needs suppliers and buyers, a chef needs customers to order his recipes and waiters to serve them, even a writer needs inspiration from life and his surroundings as much as people to read his work. We all are dependent on each other. Somehow we must be able to find the means to live together in harmony.
Successful people are also human beings. They get tired, they get annoyed, they fail. But, somehow they always manage to get back on track because they solve problems rather than dwell in complaining and pointing fingers at anybody they can blame. Take ownership of your problems and failures. That’s the easiest and most effective way of solving them.
1. Optimistic.
2. Passionate.
3. Persistent
4. Flexible.
5. Educated.
6. Focused.