Tuesday, August 24, 2010


August 24, 2010

Some people when they see puppies or dogs just can’t help themselves say ahhhh…or smile…or even approach it to pet or something!  I’ve always been uninterested with dogs. But, I do know how to say ahhh, or smile or even approach to pet a nice pair of shoes when I see one! 

Well, with dogs, I’m afraid of them mostly.  In primary school I was chased by one.  I didn’t know if the dog just wanted to  play with me or a piece of me.  But, my instinct was too clear, RUN!  I ran as fast as I could and my heart pounded so hard and fast that I couldn’t breathe. Luckily, that dog didn’t take a bite at me and got only my right shoe!  That experience kind of scarred my perception about dogs.

Since then we’ve had a few family dogs. But, I’ve never had a pet dog that I owned myself.  Now, dogs have become more than pets.  They have become like books you read in the park, a favorite bag or pair of shoes that you show off in the malls or a best friend you can take a walk or jogging with. 

Dogs have become important in our lives.  Not just as guard dogs but as companions.  Maybe because it’s more difficult to find a consistent, faithful and reliable boyfriend/girlfriend these days!  

However, all dogs can still be potentially dangerous, even the friendly and small ones can inflict great harm in the wrong situation and environment.  Training, socialization and proper care can make a significant impact, however, dogs even with years of breeding are still aggressive. 

Here is a list of the top ten (not a ranking) of the most dangerous dog breeds.

1.  Pit Bulls
A pit bull can mangle a human to death by its mere jaws! It does this by locking the jaws in and then drawing the life out. Oooh!  An ugly sight that is!  It's favorite spot of attack is the throat.  Please! don’t even romanticize this like your favorite vampire’s bite! This is really dangerous!

2.  Rottweilers
They are large and very territorial. That's where their dangerous streak comes from. Their territorial instinct is so high that it drives them to attack people or other animals that trespass their area. So never find yourself in his territory without that letter of consent!

3.  Doberman Pinschers
Qualities like intelligence, alertness and loyalty dominate their personality. The typical pet Doberman attacks only if it believes that its property or family are in danger.  It is this instinct that makes them one of the best guard dogs to have. Uhmmm…this is a nice family oriented dog afterall!  But, even families get into ridiculous arguments.  So be careful!

4.  German Shepherds
This breed is very smart and powerful. It is common knowledge that these dogs are used in the police force rather commonly because of their reputation of being intelligent dogs. They are considered dangerous because, if provoked they get extremely aggressive and their behavior cannot be controlled thereafter.  So the next time you see them in the malls or the subway, try not to pet them because they’re on duty!  Would you want someone to interrupt you while you’re in the office in the middle of a presentation or paper work?  A dog has to work also, duh!

5.  Huskies
Their eyes remind you of wolves (now, finally the dog I want! So beautiful and good looking!).  Huskies have an extremely temperamental (moody, unreliable) behavior. They are full of energy and need lots of exercise. Though they are intelligent, they are not usually picked out for watch dogs because of their unreliable dog behavior that drives them to attack sometimes, which can even be fatal (though it is rare) and definitely causes severe injuries.

6.  Alaskan Malamutes
This breed is dominated with qualities of being very energetic and intelligent and they are highly devoted to their owners. When bored they become destructive.  Though they don't usually attack, if provoked or if their energy is not channeled in a positive manner, or enough dog care is not provided, they become aggressive and very tough to handle.  Now talk about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) !

7.  Chow Chows
They are a rare find for this list because their appearance and name do not convey danger at all. If petted by someone they are unfamiliar with, they can attack quite brutally by rendering dog bites. They are also gravely attention seeking and do not appreciate it if it is not provided to them.  Uhmmm, so, there’s more to this cutie than it’s looks!  Danger! Danger!

8.  Presa Canario
They originally belong to the Canary Islands, located just off the northwest coast of mainland Africa, and border between Morocco and the Western Sahara where they were trained for hunting and war. So the instinct of attack runs in their blood. The dog is energetic, powerful and have no traces of fear in them. It is said that a person who is attacked by this breed is a goner.  So primitive in nature! I wonder if this dog will look good in shoes and a sweater though? Maybe.

9.  Boxers
Originally they were trained to be used for hunting wild boars. It is still considered dangerous because it can turn aggressive around people it is unfamiliar around. They are known to be headstrong which makes them a bit difficult to train.  It is advised that a leash always be put on this dog when it is in public and it is also important that they be refrained from playing very aggressive games.  Sounds like my brother!

10.  Dalmatian
They are very protective and can be aggressive towards humans.  They are active and need lots of exercise.  They have excellent memory and very sensitive nature.  This bred is famed for its intelligence, independence and survival instincts.  So the next time somebody wants to skin this dog for a coat, a bag or a shoe,  heed my warning…looks can be deceiving!


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