Sunday, August 29, 2010


August 28, 2010

Have you been in a party or gathering where there was absolutely nothing interesting you can contribute to a conversation?  Don’t be a boring guest or participant, file up on interesting facts that anyone and everyone can relate to.  I hope this compilation of interesting nice to know facts  may be useful now or sometime.  Who knows, this might even be your ticket to being cool!  
·      Every two thousand frowns create one wrinkle.
·      Leonardo De Vinci invented scissors.
·      The past tense for the English word “dare” is “durst” and not dared.
·      Hate foggy windshields?  Buy a chalkboard eraser and keep it in the glove box of your car.  When the windows fog, rub with the eraser!  Works better than a cloth!
·      Honey is the only natural food which never goes off/stale.
·      The top layer of a wedding cake, known as the groom's cake, traditionally is a fruit cake. That way, it will save until the first Anniversary.
·      Household dust is made of dead skin cells

·      The fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco
·      French fries are originally from Belgium
·      Cinderella's slippers were originally made out of fur. The story was changed in the 1600s by a translator.
·      White cats with blue eyes are usually deaf.
·      Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
·      Pearls melt in vinegar.
·      Rubber bands last longer when kept refrigerated.
·      Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil. It will stay fresh much longer and not mold! 
·      Only female mosquito bites.
·      Cats sleep 70% of their lives.
·      A group of frogs is called an army
A group of rhinos is called a crash
A group of kangaroos is called a mob
A group of whales is called a pod
A group of geese is called a gaggle
A group of owls is called a parliament
·      Pop corn was invented by the Aztec Indians
·      About the Dead Sea
Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea because the water has too much salt in it?
It is not a sea but an inland lake.
The water in the Dead Sea is so salty that its easier to float than sink.
·      Rabbits and parrots can see behind itself without turning its head.
·      Chess was invented in India.
·      The rarest type of diamond is green
·      A banana is 75% water.
·      Christmas trees originated from Germany.
·      Butterflies taste with their feet.
·      Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef. It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking
·      The tune for the "A-B-C" song is the same as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."
·      The chocolate M&M's stands for the last names of Forrest Mars, Sr., candymaker, and his associate Bruce Murrie.
·      M & M's were developed so that soldiers could eat candy without getting their fingers sticky
·      New Zealand is the only country that has every type of climate in the world.

·      Cockroaches' favorite food is the glue on envelopes and on the back of postage stamps
·      Men can read smaller print than women while women can hear better than men.


Friday, August 27, 2010


August 27, 2010

I have recently practiced a new eating habit for a healthier and better looking physique.  Of course vanity is my foremost reason for eating right (I’m no hypocrite!) because there are a lot other benefits you’ll get from looking good. It is so much easier to find clothes that fit regardless of style and size. Anything you wear can actually look great!  And since I’m the kind of guy who go for tees and jeans, a good physique compensates for my lack of fashion and design elements in my style of dressing.  The health benefits which actually will benefit me more in the long run are what I consider bonus!  I know, I know,  I’m such a shallow guy!  But I don’t care, as long as I fit in size 30 jeans!  Can you?

Avocado used to be my favorite fruit, still is. But, since that is seasonal in my country it is hard to find the fruit whenever I want it.

So, I’ve substituted avocado with apples, just because they are available anytime and anywhere and thus no hindrance to my diet.    And I’m just loving apples now!  It’s scent reminds me of Christmas and whenever I see them in the grocery or in fruit stands I feel light and festive.  Probably it’s because when I was growing up, my mom used to decorate our home with apples during the holiday season.  Green apples in a huge glass bowl served as the centerpiece in our living room and the red ones on our dining table.  My mom would replenish the apples by the end of each week as I had mostly eaten them before our house guests would have time to admire them on weekend dinners.

Apples have a good claim to promote health. Are you familiar with the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Whether this is true or not, the fruit is really healthy to eat.  Here are some of the benefits of eating apples:

AID THE IMMUNE SYSTEM        Apples contain Vitamin C which aid the immune system and help in the healing process. 
PREVENT TOOTH DECAY      The juice of the apples has properties  that can kill up to 80% of bacteria. So there you have it, an apple a day also keeps the dentist away!
REDUCE WEIGHT     A regular size apple has between 70-100 calories. Eating an apple when craving for candy or chocolate can make the desire disappear since apple in itself contains sugar, but gives you only ¼ of the calories. So start targeting that waistline you’ve always wanted!
PREVENT CANCERS     Notice the “S”.  Apples contain bioflavonoids which are believed to be of use in the prevention fo treatment of various types of cancer by inducing mechanisms that help to kill cancer cells and inhibit tumor invasion.  Apples target multiple cancers such as colon, prostate and breast cancer.
PREVENT HEART DISEASE     The reason it can prevent both coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease is because apples are rich in flavonoids.
FIBER       Apples have both soluble and insoluble fiber in the form of cellulose and pectin. Both of these fibers have been documented to reduce and keep your cholesterol levels under control.  5-Apples contain phenols, which have a double effect on cholesterol. It reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. And that’s not even an apple a day!
HEALTHIER LUNGS     A research at the University of Nottingham Research shows that people who eat 5 apples or more per week has lower respiratory problems, including asthma.
PREVENTS GALLSTONES AND COLON CANCER    Research done in Japan has shown that apple pectin can help decrease the chance of obtaining colon cancer. Pectin is also effective in causing regressions in and prevention of gallstones.

ASTHMA AND LUNG SUPPORT     Unique to apples is a crucial flavonoid called phlorizin that is believed to be important in  asthma and lung support.

IMPROVE VISION AND PROTECT BRAIN FROM BRAIN DISEASE      Apples contain a long list of phytonutrients which help in improved vision and a slower brain degeneration. Apples prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsonism.  However, the nutrients of an apple are contained within the apple's skin, so be sure not to skin your apples before consuming them!
So much benefits for an inexpensive fruit that is available all year round!  Snow white and Nerissa would be happy to know that without their witches’ poison, they would actually live long lives when they regularly eat apples and not drop dead!  Enjoy eating!  Oh, and by the way, this is the first part of a series of my 4 blogs about health. Watch out for The Healthiest Fruits, The Fountain of Youth and Miracles of Sleeping.  See you soon!

IMAGE BY  SAKNIKA in Deviant Art

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


August 24, 2010

Some people when they see puppies or dogs just can’t help themselves say ahhhh…or smile…or even approach it to pet or something!  I’ve always been uninterested with dogs. But, I do know how to say ahhh, or smile or even approach to pet a nice pair of shoes when I see one! 

Well, with dogs, I’m afraid of them mostly.  In primary school I was chased by one.  I didn’t know if the dog just wanted to  play with me or a piece of me.  But, my instinct was too clear, RUN!  I ran as fast as I could and my heart pounded so hard and fast that I couldn’t breathe. Luckily, that dog didn’t take a bite at me and got only my right shoe!  That experience kind of scarred my perception about dogs.

Since then we’ve had a few family dogs. But, I’ve never had a pet dog that I owned myself.  Now, dogs have become more than pets.  They have become like books you read in the park, a favorite bag or pair of shoes that you show off in the malls or a best friend you can take a walk or jogging with. 

Dogs have become important in our lives.  Not just as guard dogs but as companions.  Maybe because it’s more difficult to find a consistent, faithful and reliable boyfriend/girlfriend these days!  

However, all dogs can still be potentially dangerous, even the friendly and small ones can inflict great harm in the wrong situation and environment.  Training, socialization and proper care can make a significant impact, however, dogs even with years of breeding are still aggressive. 

Here is a list of the top ten (not a ranking) of the most dangerous dog breeds.

1.  Pit Bulls
A pit bull can mangle a human to death by its mere jaws! It does this by locking the jaws in and then drawing the life out. Oooh!  An ugly sight that is!  It's favorite spot of attack is the throat.  Please! don’t even romanticize this like your favorite vampire’s bite! This is really dangerous!

2.  Rottweilers
They are large and very territorial. That's where their dangerous streak comes from. Their territorial instinct is so high that it drives them to attack people or other animals that trespass their area. So never find yourself in his territory without that letter of consent!

3.  Doberman Pinschers
Qualities like intelligence, alertness and loyalty dominate their personality. The typical pet Doberman attacks only if it believes that its property or family are in danger.  It is this instinct that makes them one of the best guard dogs to have. Uhmmm…this is a nice family oriented dog afterall!  But, even families get into ridiculous arguments.  So be careful!

4.  German Shepherds
This breed is very smart and powerful. It is common knowledge that these dogs are used in the police force rather commonly because of their reputation of being intelligent dogs. They are considered dangerous because, if provoked they get extremely aggressive and their behavior cannot be controlled thereafter.  So the next time you see them in the malls or the subway, try not to pet them because they’re on duty!  Would you want someone to interrupt you while you’re in the office in the middle of a presentation or paper work?  A dog has to work also, duh!

5.  Huskies
Their eyes remind you of wolves (now, finally the dog I want! So beautiful and good looking!).  Huskies have an extremely temperamental (moody, unreliable) behavior. They are full of energy and need lots of exercise. Though they are intelligent, they are not usually picked out for watch dogs because of their unreliable dog behavior that drives them to attack sometimes, which can even be fatal (though it is rare) and definitely causes severe injuries.

6.  Alaskan Malamutes
This breed is dominated with qualities of being very energetic and intelligent and they are highly devoted to their owners. When bored they become destructive.  Though they don't usually attack, if provoked or if their energy is not channeled in a positive manner, or enough dog care is not provided, they become aggressive and very tough to handle.  Now talk about ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) !

7.  Chow Chows
They are a rare find for this list because their appearance and name do not convey danger at all. If petted by someone they are unfamiliar with, they can attack quite brutally by rendering dog bites. They are also gravely attention seeking and do not appreciate it if it is not provided to them.  Uhmmm, so, there’s more to this cutie than it’s looks!  Danger! Danger!

8.  Presa Canario
They originally belong to the Canary Islands, located just off the northwest coast of mainland Africa, and border between Morocco and the Western Sahara where they were trained for hunting and war. So the instinct of attack runs in their blood. The dog is energetic, powerful and have no traces of fear in them. It is said that a person who is attacked by this breed is a goner.  So primitive in nature! I wonder if this dog will look good in shoes and a sweater though? Maybe.

9.  Boxers
Originally they were trained to be used for hunting wild boars. It is still considered dangerous because it can turn aggressive around people it is unfamiliar around. They are known to be headstrong which makes them a bit difficult to train.  It is advised that a leash always be put on this dog when it is in public and it is also important that they be refrained from playing very aggressive games.  Sounds like my brother!

10.  Dalmatian
They are very protective and can be aggressive towards humans.  They are active and need lots of exercise.  They have excellent memory and very sensitive nature.  This bred is famed for its intelligence, independence and survival instincts.  So the next time somebody wants to skin this dog for a coat, a bag or a shoe,  heed my warning…looks can be deceiving!


Thursday, August 19, 2010


August 19, 2010

When a friend of mine was computing for his tax due last year he cursed and concluded that the only two things that are sure to come in life are taxes and death!
Well, my friend may probably be right, but, I think he forgot about another sure thing that all of us, regardless of sex, race, age, geographical location or financial status will get to experience in life…the common cold.
Here are some myths and facts about the common cold that will help us understand and deal with this nuisance that causes us to be needy, helpless, sentimental and sleepy.

A very common, mild viral infection of the nose and throat, whose symptoms include sneezing, sniffling, a running or blocked nose, a sore throat, coughing and a headache.

COLDS AND THE WEATHER. Colds are not related to the weather, people are just more likely to get colds during the colder months because the inside lining of our noses are drier and more vulnerable to viral infection. Also in the cold weather, people are inside more and in closer contact with each other (even those who might be contagious), thus increasing our risk to get the virus.

KILLING THE COLD VIRUS WITH ANTIBIOTICS. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but the common cold is caused by a virus. Therefore, antibiotics will have no effect at all. They can however be used to treat complications of the common cold, such as bronchitis, sinusitis, fever and ear infection.

WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM MAKES YOU SUSCEPTIBLE TO THE COLD VIRUS. This does not heighten the risks of catching a cold. Healthy and unhealthy people exhibit the same amount of susceptibility to colds. 

VITAMIN C BOOST. Vitamin C may reduce the severity or duration of symptoms, but scientifically there is no clear evidence of this. Taking vitamin C over long periods of time in large amounts may even be harmful. Too much vitamin C can cause severe diarrhea.

INHALING STEAM. This may temporarily relieve symptoms of congestion (blockage of mucus) and thus make us cope better, but, unfortunately does not cure our colds. This however, will open and clear our pores! At least we will have a better skin while waiting out the cold virus.

ALCOHOL AS A CURE. The cold virus is not afraid of any form of alcohol because they don’t get to meet each other! Though alcohol has a sterilizing effect, it gets to the body (and leaves it) through gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestine), and the cold virus through upper airways. Alcohol slows down body reactions, weakens the immunity, bad for liver and incompatible with some medicines. So the next time you make an excuse to drink because of your colds, think again!

COLD SYMPTOMS ARE DESIGNED TO HELP US GET OVER THE COLD VIRUS. A lot of us believe that the symptoms of a cold like running nose, coughing etc. are designed to help us get over the sickness quickly that is why we are quick to treat the symptoms with medicines. But the truth is that the symptoms does not make any difference to the duration of the cold, they only help spread the bug to other people – through noseblowing and coughing. Treating the symptoms with medicine will only make the illness more tolerable and will help to keep it contained. 

TRANSFERRING THE VIRUS BY KISSING. The cold virus is transferred through the nose (nasal passages). In order to become infected through mouth, one would need a thousand times stronger concentration of rhinoviruses, than through nose. Hurray! It’s safe to kiss afterall!

TRANSFERING THE VIRUS BY HANDSHAKE. Our body part that is most likely to have frequent access to our noses are our hands. So, better wash your hands frequently so that no cold virus stays there.

It is nice to know that the common cold is like most of our ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends, it does not stay permanently!  No direct cure is yet known.  For the meantime what we can do is just to let the cold run its course. There is no proven specific treatment for a cold, but, supportive measures may be helpful.

• Try not to get overly stressed or overly tired.
• Drink about 8 glasses of fluids/water daily.
• Get plenty of bedrest.

Over-the-counter medications such as throat lozenges, throat sprays, cough drops, and cough syrups may also help bring relief. Decongestants or antihistamines may be used for nasal symptoms. Saline sprays and a humidifier may also be beneficial.

And of course I am one firm believer that a Tender Loving Care is still the best way to wait-out that damn cold virus!

(Sources:10 myths about the common cold at,,

This one is dedicated to hon who’s always down with the virus! Get well soon ☺

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


August 17, 2010

Have you ever wondered how and what our favorite pets see? Well, pets generally can’t see objects any closer than 1 or 2 feet from their noses instead they use their noses and whiskers to identify close objects. They are also less able to accurately judge distances. Our pets can distinguish an object at 20 feet away that we humans could see at 60 or 80 feet.  Pets also have better vision in dim light than we do. Cats can see with about 85% less light than humans need. (from

When sometimes we often see our favorite cats and dogs in front of the television as if they are watching our favorite TV program. Well, they are, watching sort of, but, in a different sort of way. They see movement so well that they may see flickering images on television just like the 4th of July rather than the continuous image that we can see.

Dogs and Cats are not really color blind. They only see pale shades of color. They can’t also tell the difference between orange, red and green but can mostly differentiate and predominantly see blue and yellow.

For those who have feathered friends, daytime birds see a greater range of colors than humans, including ultraviolet light just like our water loving pets.
Carps and common goldfish are able to perceive ultraviolet light and thus see more vivid and variety of colors than we do. So the next time you think about getting neon colored pebbles and sand, better think again. You wouldn’t want your pet fish to have vertigo!

Monday, August 16, 2010


It takes 24 to 72 hours to digest meat, depending on the person’s digestive tract, state of health, medications taken, what is eaten with it, emotions and other factors (from HNU by King Institute, Inc.)

And when we consume meat, our digestive system works extra hard to digest the meat. That's why, after a heavy meaty meal, we will feel lazy and sleepy. This is because more enzymes than necessary are consumed and are working overtime to digest the meat.

Fruits take up to an hour to digest. And, because meat takes much longer to digest, the fruit we consumed after a meal will just sit on top of the undigested food in our intestine. This causes the fruits to ferment in your stomach and it starts to rot, producing gas, and causing a host of problems to our health.

So, when we eat a huge meal, drink with it a glass of fresh pineapple juice afterwards (not canned). Pineapple is rich in bromelain which aids in proper food digestion. (From juicing for